

I have to admit, I was very skeptical about watching this show. There was so much hype and build up towards the new series, that I constantly found myself thinking “Can it really be *that* good?” So many critics were claiming how it would be the show of the season and it was a must-watch. But others were saying that it wasn’t that great. So, what do I do? I PVR each episode to date, pick a night and just watch.

Well, I’ve now watched the first four episodes and can safely say … THEY WERE RIGHT! Holy cow. This show is amazing! I absolutely LOVE it! Ever since I was a kid, I’ve just loved musicals. I went to see the Phantom of The Opera about 5 times, also saw Cats, Joseph And the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Mamma Mia, and many others. Musicals are amazing in my books. And now there is a show where music and talent is incorporated into every single episode, along with some good ol’ cheezy comedy! And on top of that, the cast is super talented! It was interesting to find out on Global TV last night that 3 of the main characters were actually found on Broadway.

I’m almost mad at myself for waiting and watching four episodes all at once. After completing the first one, I was so excited to get to the next. Now that I am caught up, I have to wait a whole week for the next! I think that I will soon be going through Glee withdrawal!

Seriously though, if you have an open mind to pretty much anything tv-wise, and like musicals, I will be completely shocked if you do not like Glee. Check it out. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Glee!

  1. I am not a big fan of musicals. Some that I've seen are good, but I'm not really attracted to them. I saw the first episode of this on TV a few weeks ago, but I had mixed feelings about it. It wasn't bad, but I didn't really like it that much either. Maybe I should watch a few more episodes to get a better sense of what it is.

  2. I've been hearing so much about this show, but I'm not a huuuge musicals fan, though I'm not against them. Would you still recommend?

  3. The more people I talk to about this, the more I'm finding that you'll either love it, or hate it lol.&Basia – the show actually does have a quirky/cute/funny story line to it and every once in a while, there will be a song. lol Reading over what I just wrote makes it sound sort of lame, but I just think it's sooooo good. So it's worth a shot to try and watch. 😉

  4. Glee withdrawal… yeah, I'm sure the same thing would happen to me if I started watching it. I know I have that when I try out a new TV series via Netflix… I just can't wait for the next disk to arrive in the mail! It seems like it takes ages! Anyway, good luck waiting til the next air date!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my site! I have watched a couple of episodes and while on balance I hate musicals, I really enjoy this show. It is pretty funny and the singing is great. Fox has created yet another good show.

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